2011년 2월 14일 월요일

%The savings of administration business unit with platform lends money a related degree of business very greatly

Investigate to also suggest, the another stateowned bank in Shenzhen investigates currently index sign in link with savings of have 70%.The savings of administration business unit with platform lends money a related degree of business very greatly, usually platform loan well done of bank, its government deposit will also well do.And the bank investigates to value quota in the market too much and saves a loan to compare pressure very greatly, the current Lan saves wared to make people feel to return to 89 last century, the expenses led probably in 0.1%-0.2%.
But suggest to the investigation information that recruits a line, the line of retail price savings business in the near future develop quite good, but the savings in 2011 increases pressure or compares bigger, especially at the end of month and the blunt scale pressure in the end of quarter.

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