2011년 2월 14일 월요일

Can not depend expenses come the Lan keep

"I in the near future especially idea and customer manager speak, can not depend expenses come the Lan keep, I know that condition of the market in the market has already been getting higher, and this is very dangerous."Some share system bank Nanking branch office vice- line long to it subordinate caution.
Author:Lin Xiao Chuan
(Responsibility editor:Yang Jian)
Host, Dong Qian, :Welcome to watch 《news 1+1 》 .
Today nation statistics the bureau released the movement data of the macro view economy of 2010 whole years and had a few key numbers among them, is even if those to economy completely ignorant of common people, all very interested in number, we come right away to pay attention to this economic annual report today.
(Broadcast short subject)
The sub-title hints:January 20, 2011

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