2011년 2월 14일 월요일


Same period:This morning, 2010 economic datas came out today, the whole year GDP, consumption price index number would be one by one revealed, does 2010 Chinese economy harvest severals?
Today, 24 great cold in the solar divisions.In early morning, the reporter of major media rushes to do to news in State Department and waits for 2010 national economy circulating a formally publishing of the circumstance.Compare with the weather of chill in the outdoors, today the atmosphere in the assembly hall then seem to be hustle but warmly.
Wu Wu originally set reporter:
The time that waits until 9:30, leaving to release will still have half for hour, but the whole inside that release meeting hall has already stood full reporter.I keep in mind to a detail and originally sponsor the chair that the square sets out in the hall, because come of the reporter Be getting tooer many, already not enough use, so finally since the office of next door moved a lot of chairs again.

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