2011년 2월 22일 화요일

According to the analysis of this business enterprise

According to the analysis of this business enterprise, five-star hotel and golf course constuct to need USD 50,000,000 and USD 10,000,000 respectively.Luo has the five-star emperor Hao hotel in Macau to establish casino and SAMSUNG class Luo the Jin hotel inside the first special city currently.The above-mentioned hotel also invites Chinese visitor now, but to the Korea but speech that concentrates on a large-scale development, its number of hotel rooms far far shortage.
Report to point out, Korea still plans an establishment to act for Luo first Hermes Scarves the modern type market of market(Be finished in 1997).Have 6000 square areas and have more than 4000 markets of counters to extend currently for cover area 40,000 squares, have the super large market of 30,000 counters, the budget needed is about USD 10,000,000.

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