2011년 2월 22일 화요일

The Jian keep although the person acts "turn to the small Ze"

A, Jian keep a person to insist with the result that the small Ze parties thoroughly draws a clear distinction, the new cabinet doesn,t have a small Ze parties member or its supporter, half namely near Democratic councilmans are discriminated against in the outside, this lets the abruption of Democratic Party cover up under seed.Two, the Jian keep a person to originally want the rightness"courageously rise Japanese party" to open front door, unconditional absorb Na these drive Liberal Democratic Party desert of political old man, with the threatening force that this strengthens Democratic Party political power.Three, the Jian keep although the person acts "turn to the small Ze", its political Burberry Scarves thinking still deeply under the influence of small Ze, the dividing of namely in the wake of small scarves for sale Ze attempts to recruit from the not in power camp,annex by force "courageously rise Japanese party" not to become with merger strategy, adopt a fishing pole to snare a great fish way, this certainly makes Liberal Democratic Party the person fly into a rage.

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