2011년 2월 23일 수요일

The large-scale destructive weapon is led by a department chief

(J) maintain a document pashmina scarves concerning the disarmament and the international safety and reference library concerning the specialized cultural heritage of the armament and the disarmament, provide resident delegations in all countries, attendance the organization of delegation, academic organization and non- government and public use for disarming a negotiation meeting.
Large-scale destructive weapon
1.The large-scale destructive weapon is led by a department chief, be responsible for the director and the deluxe representative deputy.
2.The of the core working talent is as follows:
(A) shine on member nation to agree after negotiation of have the initiative an item to provide an actual situation to help, for the purpose of United Nations in the large-scale destructive weapon, especially nuclear weapon machine realm produces result;

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