2011년 2월 22일 화요일

Large-scale trade market that recreational facilities and building area reach to 2000 square scales in the Luo first special city construction

According to this time estimate, anticipate 10 years, the deficit of foundation public finance receipt and expenditure and GDP of compare to 6.5%, compare with 09 years of 7.8% to have an improvement.However, 15 years and 20 years pashmina scarves wholesale the ratio all descends for 4.2%, having no significantly.
(Responsibility editor:Zhao Ting)
Round-the-world net reporter Sung Wei steel report 《newspaper in East Asia 》 in Korea to report on January 21, plan in Korea pushes forward cashmere scarves five-star hotel and golf course to constuct to wait item in the Luo first special city and actively develops this region.
Report to cite one an in home country investment in enterprise plans a medium contents to point out, plan in Korea has the five-star hotel and regular golf course, large-scale trade market that recreational facilities and building area reach to 2000 square scales in the Luo first special city construction, and just and actively canvasses business to lead a property currently.

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