2010년 9월 10일 금요일

approaching a shelter

approaching a shelter, I saw not far away from the huts have a happy whirring white film, and I rubbed her eyes closer look, do not Kanhua Yan, but what is too dark to see
P90X what things are not clear, I do not believe in ghosts then, that what is animal, so I picked up a stick trying to drive it away section.
dark things into a mass of shining white, but still slightly shaking, what exactly is it? not like animals, but if not animals, it Why move? too dark, I have no kerosene lighting, can not tell what material it is.
Although I am not afraid of ghosts, but when faced with the unknown, and it is still some fear of the psychological, not-lun direct play stick, stick my hand this fact is readily picked up from the ground thick branches, tree branches gently p90x workout prodding me to pile Baisheng Sheng, and really soft hh suddenly heard the fat man in the dark exclaimed: , dark, conspicuous on his large white ass.
next morning, fat Buyiburao's asked me to compensate him, claiming last night, I was scared to death more than a million brain cells, I say to you that the brain , to have so p90x dvd set many brain cells? I told you are poor bachelor, receiving the highest acceptance of necessary instructions to the poor peasant in rural re-education, you want me to what means to you? I can tell you ahead of time that do close of the revolution for your comrade in arms, all my possessions on the left is wearing the last pair of pants, and you will not want me to take these pants to you right?

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