2010년 11월 2일 화요일

Mei Wang did not expect the taste of a little pat down

Last time, I lied, said Han Xue of you do not call all my fabricated , you would like to knowingly gas gas. In fact, I think, you pursue promising Han Xue, a girl can be more than happy chasing you ah. What is promising ah? I was completely gone.Liu Qiang, said to have happened again.Mei Wang a, head shake like a rattle, impossible, absolutely impossible. I,ve never heard Xue Han said.
Then, she saw Liu Qiang look. Liu Qiang saw it, his eyes looking at loose forward. Wang Mei secretive smile, continued, Han Xue is also really, have a boyfriend, or let me know that well, I was asked to check in her.Liu Qiang one, was more than the taste, the intention to talk about difficulties to Mei Wang, Mei Wang did not expect the taste of a little pat down.It is hard to understand your woman is mind. She promised me, should I come back. But a few months, she was faithless. With an opportunity to meet not give. I do not know whether For what? You said this, I can not agree. What is the ,faithless,? Family has not agreed to officially talk to you love. Since there is no formal dating, people have the right to choose. To blame Yeah, christian louboutin cheap blame you is a big fool! Liu Qiang frustrated to the extreme, causing unrest in the whirlpool of lost love confused, but also by Wang Mei demoted into a full fool.Well, do not you chatter, and I want to go home and go to bed.No! Wang Mei said hastily: You go, my country? So late, you have to send me home.You go back.I can not. The days are so dark, I go home alone, do not you worry about?Liu Qiang, said: so what is to worry about?Good!

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